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Friday, August 2, 2013

Bifurcation of Andhra Pradesh - How its going to affect the people of both regions??

Bifurcation of Andhrapradesh - I feel its not required.

This week we saw the announcement of CWC , on the formation of Telengana state from Andhrapradesh, comprising of the 10 districts of the region. The state capital Hyderabad will remain as capital city for both the states for a period of 10 years and a new state capital for Andhra region will be developed.

This was a real shock to me and has deeply hurt me, and many had the same feelings I had , I believe. Lets have a short snap shot of the pros and cons of this division if it happens , as announced.

What is the benefit for a common man like me?

I personally don't see any benefit or development in the life of common man like me. In fact few things are going to cost more because of the state taxes between these 2 states. The life style and per capita income will not be improved for at least 5 years, as Telengana's income will not be improving as most of the investors in the region are from other parts of the state and they will be moving back to their regions.

For Andhra-Seema region, as the new capital has to be developed , infrastructure development is required and industries has to be set up, it will take a minimum of 10 years to realize any growth in the per capita income. More over for Telengana region the food products price will be high because it needs to be obtained from Andhra region or some other region, as this part is not having much cultivable land.

Common capital - Hyderabad
Now itself, people from Andhra and Rayalaseema regions living in the state capital are being considered as people from other states. And with the bifurcation of the state , I will not be surprised if they are considered as foreigners also.

More over , one has to travel at least 200 km from the Telengana border to the state capital, through the region, which causes ample amount of insecurity to those who travel through the region , and the way the Seemandhra people are being seen by Telenganites ( not all, those who are lobbying with few power minded politicians for the carving of new state).

If we rent a car from Vijayawada, it needs to have Telengana state permit to reach the common capital , which will not be a good move. If at all a bifurcation is mandatory, develop a capital city for the other regions and then divide the state, in that case every one will be well aware that the division is going to be mandatory and people will make their mindsets according to that.

There are many more problems like these and the above 2 are just examples of how people of both the regions will be affected. More over after the formation of state it will take a minimum of 10 years to realize any real development , that too if the rulers really concentrate on the state development rather than their personal developments.