Its official now that Nandamuri Nama Samvatsaram has started in Tollywood with Nandamuri Kalyanram's Pataas getting the 1st blockbuster status of 2015 in Tollywood or the Telugu Film Industry. Jr NTR@ Tarak's Temper's audio is a great success and the combination is expected to work wonders at the Telugu box office followed by Lion, which will be a mass entertainer from NBK, who is riding on the success of Legend.
Coming to the Pataas' Blockbuster status, the movie theatricals was sold for 9 crores and the first week distributor share was around 9.5 Crores( some websites claim it as 9 crores and some close to 10 crores), though official figures from producers and distributors are awaited, they declared that the movie is in profit zone from day 7, which means the collections are more than 9 crores in the first week. More prints were added for week 2 and the 2nd weekend collections will be another 2 crores , with no biggie in competition and added prints, in many screens, sankranthi releases are being replaced by Pataas and another same day release Beeruva, which is a good sign for continuing the good run of Pataas.
As per the latest reports from BO, the 10 day collections are estimated some where around 11-11.5 crores, which simply means 2-2.5 crores profit or 22-28% profit to the distributors. And with minimum share around 2 crores expected more to get added in the full run, the distributor profits will be around 44-50%, which is enough to term the movie as a REAL blockbuster and the first Telugu Block buster for the year 2015.
As a fan of Tarak, I am really happy to see his brother Kalyanram deliver the first telugu blockbuster of 2015 and wishing Tarak to continue that with TEMPER and NBK continue with LION.
With the range of the Hit received by the Audio of Temper and the craze among the fans and telugu movie audiences for the Tarak-Puri Combo, it is more likely to end up as a HIT movie minimum.
Wishing all my dear Tarak fans & N-fans a Nandamuri Nama Samvatsaram!
Coming to the Pataas' Blockbuster status, the movie theatricals was sold for 9 crores and the first week distributor share was around 9.5 Crores( some websites claim it as 9 crores and some close to 10 crores), though official figures from producers and distributors are awaited, they declared that the movie is in profit zone from day 7, which means the collections are more than 9 crores in the first week. More prints were added for week 2 and the 2nd weekend collections will be another 2 crores , with no biggie in competition and added prints, in many screens, sankranthi releases are being replaced by Pataas and another same day release Beeruva, which is a good sign for continuing the good run of Pataas.
As per the latest reports from BO, the 10 day collections are estimated some where around 11-11.5 crores, which simply means 2-2.5 crores profit or 22-28% profit to the distributors. And with minimum share around 2 crores expected more to get added in the full run, the distributor profits will be around 44-50%, which is enough to term the movie as a REAL blockbuster and the first Telugu Block buster for the year 2015.
As a fan of Tarak, I am really happy to see his brother Kalyanram deliver the first telugu blockbuster of 2015 and wishing Tarak to continue that with TEMPER and NBK continue with LION.
With the range of the Hit received by the Audio of Temper and the craze among the fans and telugu movie audiences for the Tarak-Puri Combo, it is more likely to end up as a HIT movie minimum.
Wishing all my dear Tarak fans & N-fans a Nandamuri Nama Samvatsaram!
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